From The Dust Arise

Shake yourself from the dust and arise; be seated, O Jerusalem; loose the bonds from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion. Isaiah 52:2

Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Steps (frustrate me)

I can’t believe it has been a whole week since I blogged. And then again sooo much happened that it could very well have been a year. Lol, More from last week to come for now just a  little....


I have been whining praying for discernment hard core for a while. I know God has an almighty supernatural power and could strike me like a bolt of lightning and grant be the gift of discernment with a tiny snap of his fingers. But, I think God finds greater joy in watching me suffer grow. (even if it frustrates me to no end) I am growing I guess, in tiny baby steps with lots of help from my girls. It seems lately every time I open my Bible to have a lil one on one time with the Big Man (aka Jesus…. No Grandma I am no dating a “big man” that I read the bible with. I promise I will let you know when if that happens.) Anyway, during every quiet time He (again Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, whichever of the trinity you feel more comfortable envisioning) leads me to some scripture refereeing to the time when the Israelites have just come out of captivity from the Babylonians. Most of the time he is so happy about them being home that he is making promise after promise about how many blessings they will receive, but sometimes he gently reminds them of the tasks he had set for them before they went into captivity. Well as you can guess he is using this analogy, to parallel my newly awakened walk with him, and to teach me discernment. I am frustrated by my lack of understanding enjoying the growing process but wish I could just get it already.

Ok update over thanks for the prayers they are coming to fruition. Slowly but Surely, which is not how I like to do things but I am also learning from that. Ugh so many lessons so little time.


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